So, things have been good for me lately. Mom's been home, we've talked, I'm a little less of an angsty teenager who hates everyone, and more of a happy well adjusted teenager.
I have one problem. Mom's best friend saying stupid shit. Let's refer to her as "B"
Don't get me wrong. I love her. She's alright with me liking the ladiez. She likes them too.
But yesterday I was in the car with her and mom, and I was telling them about all the gay kids that had committed suicide last month. Then I mentioned Oak, the transgender high school guy who had been stripped of the title of "Prom King" because he was still registered as a female (Explaining that he was born in a girl's body, and hasn't transitioned yet). I expected a "Oh my god that's horrible. People are assholes."
What I got was a sarcastic, "Oh she's gonna need therapy!" and then proceeded to mimic him in a girly lisp-ish voice saying "It really affected me!"
I didn't really hear much after that, because I was seriously considering doing something I would regret, but I know she referred to him as "shim" and "she".
The sad thing is, I should have anticipated this. Both of them have exhibited transphobia, and a complete lack of understanding of it. I try to explain, but they don't want to know.
And it doesn't stop there. My mom is much better about these things (She doesn't care what they look like, she just wants someone to treat me alright) but B is horrible about this. Let's make one thing clear. I like butch women. An B thinks that they are a joke. If we pass a butch women somewhere, she turns and whispers something like "Oh my god what a man!" or something mean like that. Usually if I call her on it, she just says "I like women, not boys!" in a disgusted tone. She's a femme elitist.
She hates everything outside of the gender norm. Once we saw a person in a restaurant that I suspected was genderqueer or a pre-t transman. When they were puzzling over it in the parking lot, I said that they were probably genderqueer. When I explained that genderqueer was feeling like neither gender, B piped up in a theatric voice, "I cannot be either!"
She expects the women to be femme, and the men to be butch.
Well, she can kiss my binder.
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