See, i'm friends with this crazy bitch named Mia. (She's also my only follower. Hai Mia)
I think Mia and I have a great relationship. I spam her with pictures of lesbians (And someday.. I WILL move on to butch porn. Mark my words.) and she spams me with Alice in Chains or the Beastie Boys lyrics.
BUT. But Mia APPARENTLY does not cherish our relationship LIKE I DO. Therefor refusing to dedicate a blog to her BeSres freiNd 4evA!!1!!!!!!1! Yet dedicating one to our asshole-ish friend Jeric, who's ONLY EFFORT IN OUR RELATIONSHIP IS TELLING US THAT OUR MUSIC TASTE SUCKS.
So HAI MIA. This is dedicated to you sweet cheeks! (I hate you, bitch)